README.TXT for VGSelFil.DLL and VGSelectFile.EXE DESCRIPTION OF VGSelFil.DLL: VGSelFil.DLL is an In-Process OLE Server DLL written in VB6 It provides objects of the class VGSelectFileDLL.SelectFile This object may be instantiated by the programmer from other programs to provide an advanced and flexible file or directory browser capability. Using the form opened, the user can select either a file or directory as specified by the calling program The features and options presented to the user may be configured by the calling program (or by the user if allowed by the calling program), including whether to show or hide hidden directories, or to display files having any specified combination of read-only, system, hidden, or archive attributes. Also a range of allowable dates may be specified that limits the files displayed. In addition, the files displayed may be limited to those matching a pattern using "*" or "?" wild characters. Before the form displayed is closed, the user may optionally copy the fully qualified file specification of the file selected to the clipboard for use elsewhere. This file specification is displayed in Long File Format (including all parent subdirectories) as well as short (DOS 8.3) file and directory format. The latter can be useful in passing the file specification to a program which does not recognize long file or directory names. FULL LISTING OF PROPERTIES AND METHODS: The calling App can set these properties before displaying the main form FormCaption (Text to appear at the top of the form) v. 3.0 FilePattern (pattern to restrict file search to, e.g. "*.txt") v. 1.3 AttributesToAvoid (Combination of one or more attributes such as vbSystem, vbHidden etc., file search will be restricted to not show these attributes) v. 1.3 AttributesToRequire (Combination of one or more attributes such as vbSystem, vbHidden etc., file search will be restricted to show only files containing all of these attributes) v. 1.3 EarliestDate (e.g., "9/1/1998") v. 1.3 LatestDate (e.g., "9/1/1999") v. 1.3 IncludeAllDates (True / False) v. 1.3 IncludeHiddenDirectories (True / False) v. 1.3 StartingPath (e.g., "C:\Windows\System32") v. 1.3 UserMaySpecifyCriteria (True / False) v. 1.3 The calling App can call these methods before the form has been displayed PrepareToFetchDirectory v. 1.3 DisplayForm (to show the form) v. 1.3 The calling App can get these properties after the user "closes" the form [Note that the form is still open but has been hidden] DirectorySelected (text string) [if PrepareToFetchDirectory was chosen] v. 1.3 FileSelected (text string) v. 1.3 The calling App can call this method after the user "closes" the form UnloadForm (to unload the form after reading its return value) v. 1.3 The user can display the current version number of the DLL by double-clicking on the main form VGSelFil.DLL runs under and has been tested only with Windows NT 4.0 VGSelFil.DLL is copyrighted by Michael McGoodwin. The user is welcome to use VGSelFil.DLL without cost but may not charge to redistribute it. DESCRIPTION OF VGSelectFile.EXE VGSelectFile.EXE is a freestanding application program which uses VGSelFil.DLL and thus demonstrates its capabilities. The user may run this program to search for a file or to display its fully qualified file specification (i.e., drive and all subdirectories as well as file name) in long or short (DOS 8.3) file name format (formatting applies to subdirectories in the path as well.) In particular, it is useful for passing a file to from File Manager or from Explorer in order to copy its fully qualified file specification to the clipboard, either in Long or Short format. VGSelectFile.EXE runs under and has been tested only with Windows NT 4.0 VGSelectFile.EXE is copyrighted by Michael McGoodwin. The user is welcome to use VGSelectFile.EXE without cost but may not charge to redistribute it. To run VGSelectFile.EXE in File Manager: (1) Using the File | Run command Be sure VgSelectFile.EXE is in the executable path, i.e., The destination directory of VGSelectFile.EXE must be pointed to by the Path variable. (Add if necessary with Control Panel | Settings | System | Environment | Path = ... Highlight a file Invoke File | Run and type VgSelectFile in front of the file name showing, press (2) Using a File Manager "shortcut" Create a command script file VgSelectFile.CMD with these contents: start \VGSelectFile.EXE %1% Create a permanent New window that opens when starting file manager Point this window to the directory holding VgSelectFile.CMD (perhaps, "C:\CMD") Save the file manager window configuration with Alt-Shift-F4 so that this window will show when file manager is opened Drag a desired file to this command script file and drop it on it To run VGSelectFile.EXE in Windows Explorer: First time only: If you have not already done this, create a shortcut file (.LNK) in Windows Explorer or the Desktop pointing to the VGSelectFile.EXE file. Name it "VGSelectFile" Copy this shortcut file (i.e., "VGSelectFile.LNK") to the SENDTO directory for the current user (i.e., you), e.g. C:\WINNT\Profiles\Administrator\SENDTO\VGSelectFile.LNK Highlight the desired file in Windows Explorer Right-Click to invoke "Send To" and select VGSelectFile INSTALLATION: Close all running programs Place vgsfinst.exe in an empty temporary directory, run it, specify an empty temporary destination (may be the same one) as the destination directory to hold the installation files and press Unzip to decompress the files needed to install VGMirror. Find and run Setup.exe (one of the files that have been decompressed) Select a final directory of your choice to install VGSelectFile.EXE to. Note that the DLL VGSelFil.DLL will be installed in the Windows System directory automatically. After installation, you may delete all files in the temporary directory where the decompressed files including setup.exe were placed. You may wish to have VgSelectFile.EXE is in the executable path, i.e., The destination directory of VgSelectFile.EXE must be pointed to by the Path variable. (Add if necessary with Control Panel | Settings | System | Environment | Path = ... NOTE: If you encounter difficulties updating system files needed by the install program, Do the following: (1) Be sure your system Temp directory is on the same drive as the Windows NT operating system. If you have to change the location of the temp directory, reboot before proceeding. Note: Change setting with Settings|Control Panel|System|Environment|Temp (2) Run setup.exe and allow the system to reboot when this is suggested (3) Run setup.exe again, should be able to proceed normally (4) If appropriate, restore the original system temp directory setting This problem has been traced to an NT4 limitation on moving system files between drives on a delayed basis. FILES REQUIRED: (List does not include MS VB or setup files) README.TXT This file VGSelectFile.exe See above VGSelFil.dll See above PROGRAMS KNOWN TO BE USING VGSelFil.DLL (Partial Listing): (These notes are of benefit primarily to the developer) VGClean.exe VGSelectFile.exe REVISIONS HISTORY for VGSelFil.DLL: (These notes are of probably of interest only to the developer) 2/12/98 v. 1.1 Original DLL written in VB5 9/29/98 v. 1.2 Recompiled in VB6 Added revised validation for dates in frmAttributes Added short file/directory file specification display to frmVGSelectFile 9/30/98 v. 1.3 Fixed OLE Drag/Drop for the text boxes Display DLL version with double-click on main Form Must create Dependency file w PD Wizard before creating VGSelectFile.exe package 12/15/98 v. 1.4 Revised DLL Base Address to avoid rebasing 12/29/98 v. 1.5 Added Ctrl-C Method of copying selected text to clipboard for LFN and SFN text boxes REVISIONS HISTORY for VgSelectFile.exe: (These notes are of probably of interest only to the developer) Earlier revision history N.A. 8/6/97 v. 3.0 Compiled in VB5 9/30/98 v. 4.0 Now calls VgSelFil.DLL, not independent Added revised validation for dates in frmAttributes Added short 8.3 file/directory specification textbox to frmVGSelectFile Compiled in VB6 Added dummy form so that icon and Appname appear in Task Bar button and Task Switcher 12/29/98 v. 4.01 No change